Lille Rives de la Haute Deûle

Lille - 2005 -2030

Rives de la Haute Deûle/ Surface: 65 HA/ 260 000 m2 . Location: Lille, France Program: housing units, offices, public facilities . Calendar: 2005 - 2030 . Architect-Urban planner : Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours , Landscape architect: Anne-Sylvie  Bruel.         ( Team : Pauline Lamperier, Corinne Jaurand , Zhaoying Zhu, Christophe Delmar ). Construction ongoing

  Emmanuelle Borne wrote in Architecture d’Aujourd’hui( AA July 2019):

“The Rives de la Haute-Deûle mixed development zone in Lille, which has been undergoing significant transformation for 20 years, is undoubtedly  one of the few to deserve the title of eco-district. This former industrial site is now a new district based entirely on an open-air hydraulics network.  Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours in charge of the urban scale masterplan with Anne-Syvie Bruel landscape architect, has drawn up a set of specifications that not only define volumes and building dimensions  but also draw on the surroundig landscape and favour the use of one single material, clay, in a variety of hues, depending on the building".